Saturday, December 15, 2007

this is really ji tao no life!

i dont want to complain about my everyday life cause its damn fucking boring that even i myself cant even stand it. money damn hard to earn leh!

AND! these fucking customers should just go and die! now listen! customer is NOT always right! i seriously think that singaporeans should learn how to give some fucking respect to the people working for them. so what if u are the paying customer? dont u know that u still have to be polite? and whats even more ashamed is that the fellow is actually a doctor! hur hur!

sigh! mai gong liao la! si bei low morale.

note to self: shop for christmas presents! but then i have to face stupid, rude and fucking kp customers almost everyday at work that i dont even feel like doing anything after office hours.

p.s: stupid job. i reveal the information to our competitors then u know ah!