Thursday, December 06, 2007


ok. let me do some proper blogging.

1. work is like a crazy piece of shit. i got so many things to do during the first week of my work!! RAH!! christmas, valentine's and chinese new year!! i wana puke already.

2. damn sian. i feel that my privacy is kena robbed away. my manager added me on msn. cause according to her, she said that it is easier to communicate like this in office. hur hur! and the thing is that she is sitting behind me in the office. ok anyway, like i said, there goes my privacy. its like i cant put nicks like: "fuck! my job sucks!" or "my manager is a blood-sucking machine" or "i am so tired that i refused to do work." aiya! u all dont know my pain.

3. really really looking forward to the weekends.

4. hey guys! wana buy some valentine's day gift for your girlfriend but u dont know what to get for her? FRET NOT! noel is coming up with a new webby called "Love Chapter". we can help you get the gift that would best fit your girlfriend's personality. and on top of that, it will give u daily tips on the 'Dos' and 'Donts' for your special occasion. (sigh. even my free time i still dont about work)

5. ok la! very tired already. watch some tv and sleep!!