Saturday, November 24, 2007

i just finished packing the stuff on the useless cupboard in my room. and god! i didnt know that i have been living with this huge amount of rubbish for the past ten years!! tsk tsk.

very tired.

you know, sometimes i really like people being straightforward with me. but then i do know the restrictions of how to be straightforward without being insensitive. there are so many considerations involved. sigh.

is just like how i was being wrongly accused (or rather the other party ASSUMED that it was me). but i didnt like the fact. i didnt like the fact that this 'accusation' is coming from someone whom i spend almost everyday with, someone who i shared the most secrets with, someone who claimed that she knows me inside out. but still, why am i getting all these shit? why am i getting the 'did you.....'?

i hate it when people fall out with me because of wrong accusations or for other people. i hate it when shit happens and people would be like "oh, it must be crystal". and most importantly, i hate it when i get all these shit without any apologies thereafter.

and you know what!? FUCK YOU! im washing my hands off everything. its the best that i dont hear anything from anyone in order to save me from all these wrong accusations and my time explaining myself.