Tuesday, November 06, 2007

FINALLY! im done with this muthafucking exams. oh well, if nothing goes wrong, it should be alright. it will la. it SHOULD!

pictures galore!

the year-end is a blood-sucking period. birthdays are like free one. celebrate and celebrate!

i do not know what they are laughing about.

been very hardworking these days leh, mugging non-stop.

uncle gideon.

apparently, colin isnt too happy about the sushi.

i love you baby.

oh please people! please do not ever ever celebrate your birthday at this place called essential brew. service like fuck! the waiter dont even know what we want, the kitchen is taking forever to prepare our orders and i dont like the whole "sitting on the floor" arrangement.

even the monkey said so.


ok. shall go back to sleep. JB in 3 hours!!!