Friday, October 12, 2007

two birthdays back to back.
this is how i spent my weekends and all my money. :(

i dont understand why cartel's service can be so yucky. just because there is no service charge? just because the customers keep taking the free flow of bread until they damn dulan? and the whole ambience is !@#$%^&*. 我不喜欢!!

the bread was fantastic. esp with butter and maple syrup.

面包香脆可口。值得!(hahaha. you know what i mean)

birthday boy. we all have to be law abidding citizens with him around.


the bill. very expensive for such yucky food and service.

brother biscuit's birthday! till now i still dont understand why he likes to suan me so much.

the boys said that the zhi cha not bad.

i miss playing board games.!