Saturday, October 27, 2007

things to do after my papers:
(1) mahjong mahjong mahjong mahjong. i dont care. we must play 24 rounds of it.
(2) JB for seafood!! and bring more cash.
(3) shopping! 很 bimbo hor?
(4) tanning tanning.
(5) take up some manicure course. seriously, i dont know why my nail painting skills so chwee these few days. TMD!
(6) send out my resumes to beg for a job. :(
(7) tidy up my room. i wana remove my study table and go shop for a new book rack.
(8) paint my room? i dont know leh. im damn sick of this lavender colour. i think this is the reason why im always so sleepy in my room.
(9) plan a little nice holiday for myself. i deserve it ok!
(10)and last but not least, find myself a man. muahaha.