Wednesday, September 12, 2007

- i've been listening to the same old songs over and over again.

- went to work on saturday. in the rain and then sun again. and now im sick! and the worst thing is that the niao pok boss only gave us 10bucks extra as an incentive! eh hello! i wont be that dulan if u didnt give us that 10bucks! KNN!

- i'll be an old maid, grow old alone because im an anal, hard-hearted bitch.

and gracie wrote a prayer for me!!

Crystal can not get a man,
but i know someone who can.
In fact i think there are three
who can offer help for free.
Oh… Buddha, Allah and Jesus,
Help this girl find her dearest.
It should of course be a dude,
And wear glasses, coz it’s cute.
She does not need perfection,
All she wants is affection.
So… Buddha, Allah and Jesus,
Just find someone not hideous.

yes god! i need a man!! wo yao mah!