Wednesday, August 01, 2007

random conversations i had with random people lately.

ray (looking at the dumplings): what is this?
me (busy with my own dumpling): dumplings la!
ray: -.-" as if its not obvious enough right?!


bro: wake me up later.
me: ok. what time?
bro: 11am. i got work at 2 and i wanna go jog first.
me: but i think i'll be bathing at 11am.


me: i think the south korean hostages very poor thing. bo tai bo chi kena caught.
mum: i also very poor thing.
me: huh why?
mum: i have to work to finance ur studies.
me: -.-""

p.s: my mum also one of a kind.


mum: im having my menses and its only the 1st.
me: you tell me for what?!


me: eh! wana share alan's present?
zhenyin: ok. when is his birthday?
me: huh? i dont know. im not his mum la!!


ok. im very bored. doing a research on zouk on a wednesday night is really pissing me off!!!!!!