Monday, August 06, 2007

i wana be in love again!

sunny's 22nd. dinner at waraku was fantastic. just that the waiters and waiteresses are all deaf.

this is the only picture i have about our dinner! i quite like anything from japan; the food, the boys and the porn. (heh!)

joey stole her unagi!


and more waiting.

for some reasons, the boys arent very happy.

demsey! somehow, sunny looks like he is giving the cigar a bj.

limaran's 21st!

food. while the guys were talking about army.

yes. the guys were still talking about army.

limaran's bf's nephew. damn cute!

"bio-ing" felicia chin on tv. tsk tsk.

they left me out of the conversation. :(

i asked her to smile.

happy 21st babe!

back to more research!