Friday, June 08, 2007

taiwan trip day two!

woke up at 5.30am and was shocked to see that the sun was up and it was damn bloody sunny outside. freaking thought that we overslept.

the hotel room view was fantastic. in fact, the room itself was good too. the toilet still can let u bathe and view the scenery outside lo.

had breakfast at the hotel and off we went to see some funny rocks. i tell u! i damn sick of hotel breakfast now. u know how i miss bak chor mee, roti prata and chwee kueh when i was there? anyway, look at the beautiful scenery!

ok! i know my face damn round can??!?! ssshhhh!!!

and then off we went up hill to our next destination. jiu fen. is just walking up and down, up and down. well, if u think that sandy's place de traffic is sucidal, taiwan's traffic is even worst.

as u can see, the lanes are damn narrow and its very packed that day. but then u can hear like motorbikes zoom passed u or sound their horns at u while walking on the streets. cannot even bloody shop in peace. i was frantically fighting for space on the small ledge while waiting for my milk tea.

bleah! can u all feel my pain?

lunch at jiu fen was superb. the rice, the noodles and the soup! yummy yummy! but then have to bear with the stench from the smelly beancurd store next store.

i told you lunch was good. look at my mum! she looked so happy paying for the food.

after lunch, we headed down hill again to the train station. quite a disappointment man. i thought we can sit the 'gao tie' down to hua lien. bloody hell. but then quite an experience ah.

see! the trade-off. the scenery so nice!

without this pocari sweat, i'll be dehydrated in taiwan! the weather is siao i tell u.

5 hours later, we reached hua lien. taiwan damn funny one. they have deserted houses everywhere and u dont see their people roaming around the streets.

had dinner and went down to buy some fruits and off we go to watch the ami cultural dance.

wasting time only. i think the only excitement was to see men in g-strings dancing some hunting dance. hahahaha!!

checked into the hotel and we head out to buy some cup noodles and yakult. their 7-11 damn power. they sell anything and everything under the sun.

my favourite drink. green tea yakult. damn big sia.

ok! if u realised, i was quite lazy to blog. good night people.